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Beölung Montageprozess Düsen besprühen Kalibrierdorn
Beölung Montageprozess Düsen besprühen Kalibrierdorn
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Beölung Montageprozess Düsen besprühen Kalibrierdorn

Lubrication in assembly processes

Speed, precision and complexity are crucial in mechanical assembly processes. Lubrication plays an important role in minimising friction and wear. WERUCON has been offering solutions for the application of lubricants, greases and oils since the 1990s. We customise our products to your requirements and offer individual solutions.

Find out more about our assembly processes and products.

Consultation requests
application specification

application information

What variants of assembly lubrication exist?

It should be mentioned that we never offer standard solutions for a specific assembly task. Instead, we always customise the lubrication system using our modular system. This is also the reason for the enormous variety of our product repertoire, for example in terms of automatic dosing units or details such as the volume dosing valves or dosing pumps used. We will have a look at your case and determine together which product solution from WERUCON is suitable and how we can adapt it to your system so that excellent lubrication with the lubricant of your choice is possible. If there is no (obvious) solution, we will find a new way!

Friction reduction

The aim of reducing friction in assembly processes through intelligent lubrication is already in the name: to reduce friction between moving parts. Ideally, assembly lubrication creates uniform frictional forces using lubricants that evaporate after assembly and are no longer on the product. The oil is applied specifically and optimally to the areas to be lubricated. Several advantages can be achieved by reducing friction:

  1. reduction of wear: Lower friction leads to less wear on moving parts, which extends the service life of machines and reduces maintenance costs.
  2. increased efficiency: Less friction means that the machines can be operated with less energy input, resulting in higher energy efficiency and productivity.
  3. improving precision: Consistent and appropriate lubrication can help moving parts operate smoothly and precisely, increasing the accuracy of assembly processes.
  4. reduction of downtime: By minimising friction and wear, downtime due to repairs and maintenance is reduced, increasing productivity.

O-ring assembly

O-rings are ring-shaped seals made of elastic material that are placed in a groove profile to achieve a sealing effect. The precisely metered application of lubricants is intended to reduce the twist of O-rings. This is also referred to as preventing ‘twisting’ with the lubricants.

Internal wetting of components with fluid or pasty media

When internally wetting components with fluid, such as hydraulic cylinders or gearboxes, lubrication can play an important role in improving the performance and service life of the components. WERUCON dosing technology helps to ensure a targeted and, above all, reproducible quantity is dispensed into a component. Our nozzle technology plays a major role here, allowing us to apply even minimal quantities without contact.

Here are some reasons why internal wetting makes sense when filling components with fluid or pasty media:

  • Lubrication: Applying oil to surfaces reduces friction between parts, resulting in smooth operation and reduced wear.
  • Wear reduction: Appropriate oiling helps to reduce wear on components.
  • Cooling: In some applications, oiling also serves to cool the components.
  • Sealing function: The oil can help to keep the seals supple and optimise their sealing properties.
  • Corrosion protection, especially if the fluid has corrosive properties.

Lubrication for a life cycle

This is also referred to as lifetime lubrication. The lubricants are very different and, in the case of hinges or furniture rails, for example, should remain in place and do their job for a very long time. In our experience, lubrication systems themselves account for around 10 %. The remaining 90 % is accounted for by application tasks for manufacturing, punching, pressing, etc.

Product diversity and unbeatable performance at WERUCON

A number of WERUCON systems are available for successful assembly lubrication. For continuous lubricant dispensing, for example, our automatic timed oilers are ideal for ensuring precise lubrication of your systems and machines.

Other WERUCON products for assembly lubrication:

  • compact dosing units (KDE) as standard for minimum quantity lubrication
  • micro dosing units (MDA) for maximum setting diversity with up to six pumps
  • micro dispensing boxes (MDB) for particularly user-friendly and compact solutions
  • electronic dosing centres (EDC) with comprehensive options for optimum lubrication

Depending on the system, lubricant and lubrication requirements during assembly processes, a wide range of solutions can be found. Sometimes only one of our dosing pumps is required to achieve the desired result.

At WERUCON, we offer optimised designs and flexible dosing technology that can be perfectly adapted to your production facility. Our systems are therefore individually configured and customised tools are created to meet your needs. Our quality is characterised by high-precision and economical lubrication and dispensing that meets the highest standards. Mist-free lubrication without enclosures protects your production facility and extends its service life, as you apply the media cleanly. Precise dosing leads to material savings and ecological, resource-saving lubrication. Work together with WERUCON and benefit from our innovative high-tech solutions.

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