Internal lubrication of punching tools / punch lubrication

Internal lubrication of punching tools / punch lubrication

For the internal lubrication of punching tools, WERUCON has a variety of options to support the customer regarding his requirements. For example, there is the “Miniature Angle Nozzle” which can also be subsequently integrated into existing tools. WERUCON also cooperates with its customers in developing dosing nozzles, as early as in the design stage.

application information

Stanzautomaten + Biegeautomatenbis 1500 Hub/min
Werkzeuge:Folgeverbund – Stanz- Biegen
Materialstärken:0,05 – 12,0 mm
Schnellverdunster:MSA – ZM 112
Umformschmierstoff Stahl / VAMSA – BA 15 EP
Schmierstoff Buntmetalle / VerzinkungMSA – ZM 127
Düsen wahlweise:Miniatur-Winkel- / Inset-Düse
Sprühlanze Ø 6,0 mm / Ø 3,5 mm

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