Circular saw

Circular saw

The solution for supplying lubricant to the cutting edges of a circular saw is our “Duo Spray Head”.

With the help of the spray head, the required lubricant is either sprayed into the cutting edge on the front side or behind the cutting edge on the flank of the saw blade. When the lubricant is sprayed onto the flank, the centrifugal force carries the lubricant outwards into the cutting edges.

application information

Kreissäge Vollmaterial - Profile - Rohre
Werkstoffe: Kunststoffe, Buntmetalle, Stahl, Edelstahl
Querschnitte:Variabel je nach Material
SchnittgeschwindigkeitAbhängig vom Material
Schmierstoff Stahl / VA:MSA - AME 500 / MSA - SM 40
Schmierstoff Buntmetalle: MSA - FAS 120 + MSA ZM 112
Versorgungseinheit, z.B.:MDA-2/2-DC24-3,0-A-B
Düsen wahlweise:DSK / Sprühlanze

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